Our circle of giving is built from collaboration, connection, and delivered with love. Each of us has a role we can play in supporting this network of care, and what better way than by banding together on a fun community project.
We’re here to support you all the way and offer whatever tips, ideas, or materials you need. Let's get started!
Six special ways to engage your community,
company, club, and more!
To learn more about fundraisers, in-kind donation drives, or engaging your company and employees, please contact Lauren Militello at
WPE is in great need of donated items for both our Food Rescue and Clothing and Care Programs. As the holidays begin and winter peers around the corner, wish lists are being written and the need for warmth begins. Our two newest projects below are perfect for drives, and we have many other options depending on your activity: The Blessings Project and Clothing & Care Closets.
Start your own crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for WPE. There are so many creative ways to fundraise, especially around the holidays. You can turn almost any activity into a fundraiser. Check out what our volunteers Zach and Owen did here. There are many platforms that offer easy to use fundraising pages so you can share your project with friends, family, community…and beyond!
Join our ANNUAL “Giving Tree” program
Help us to fulfill holiday wishes for those in need in three easy steps:
1. Starting November 1st, select a star ornament from the WPE Giving Tree.
2. Purchase the holiday wish list item written on your star.
3. Attach your star ornament to the wrapped or unwrapped gift and return it to the box next to our Giving Tree by December 1st.
If you’d like to create your own stars or giving tree at home, at your office, school, small business, anywhere – just let us know and we’ll get you all set up.
Spark joy in your home by decluttering and selling items via Next Door or other platforms, and donating the proceeds to WPE! Check out the Next Door platform here and don't forget to select White Pony Express as the beneficiary. There are many other platforms as well, choose the one that works for you!
Match gifts through your employer, or offer a matching challenge campaign through your company, sports teams, faith groups, giving circles or any type of membership club or association. Many companies and businesses have well-established matching gift programs and many will double or even triple your donation. Check if your company has a matching gift program here.