White Pony Express was founded by Dr. Carol Weyland Conner in September 2013.
She was troubled by the fact that in a county of tremendous abundance, thousands of people go hungry each day and many more suffer from inadequate, unhealthy diets. At the same time, grocers, retailers, food manufacturers, and restaurants discard thousands of pounds of high-quality, fresh food every day due to artificially created sell by dates, excess inventory, or simply because it doesn’t meet presentation standards.
"In selfless service, the comfort of others is our convenience, their health our own healing, their happiness our delight. Giving one’s life for others, one gains more life for oneself. Sheltering others in one’s heart makes one inhabit theirs. An act of helpfulness, a word of comfort, the spontaneous warmth of selfless love, gives to others what they greatly need. Their natural thoughts of gratitude and goodwill that flow from this, the heightened surge of their spirit, and the increased flow of pure love released by a selfless act bring to the giver infinitely more than they can ever give. Then at last is unlocked the key to lasting happiness!"
- Dr. Carol Weyland Connor
Dr. Conner’s solution was to start a Food Rescue Program, where surplus food is delivered to organizations that serve those in need. Originating as a program of the local faith-based group, Sufism Reoriented, WPE expanded rapidly. In March of 2014, we incorporated as an independent nonprofit public benefit 501(c)(3) corporation, and added the Clothing & Care Progam, with the goal of uplifting lives through a broad-based community program.
With an $800 formation budget and zero assets, WPE’s growth was fueled by generosity. Dedicated volunteers gave time and equipment, a faith group provided space and utilities, local service organizations raised money for refrigerated vehicles, and numerous individuals donated everything from funds to internet access.
Today, White Pony Express has rescued more than 25 million pounds of food -the equivalent of 21 million meals- and delivered over 1.5 million items of clothing, books, educational toys, and emergency supplies.
"White Pony Express rushes ahead in the vanguard to deliver the good news and spread the abundance of life that follows it. White Pony Express is built on the understanding that – in this beautiful world we share – love knows all, does all, and is the most powerful force in the universe. "
-Dr. Carol Weyland Conner