Did you know that you can support White Pony Express when you shop on Amazon?
First when you buy on Amazon using smile.smazon.com, the organization you choose to support will benefit.
Click on the link in the box below to choose WPE so that
everything you buy from Amazon benefits us both!
Second, if you'd like to purchase items for those who benefit from the White Pony General Store events and direct distributions, shop White Pony Express Amazon Wish Lists!
We're gearing up for our next Pop-up Boutique on June 22, a Unity in Community event at the Ambrose Community Center.
There are items and clothing we could definitely still use in our Wishlist.
So happy shopping and thank you for all your do for White Pony Express!
We are also actively seeking volunteers for the Unity in Community event. Individuals and Groups welcome. Click to learn more or sign up!