They say the best things come in small packages, right? We agree and are so fortunate and delighted to announce an ongoing partnership with our friends at Mindful Littles.
Starting in July of 2019, Mindful Littles will be facilitating the White Pony Express Family Volunteering Program. Mindful Littles is a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching children about compassion through mindful service-learning projects. Quoting from their website:
We are intentional about the positive energy we cultivate during each service learning project. We believe that this energy transcends into the service we do and can not only help our nonprofit partners but help the youngest generations feel and practice compassion.
You can see why we like them so much! Our Family Volunteering Program will now be hosted by Mindful Littles twice a month at the White Pony Express facilities. Each service project will be a highly-engaging experience for families with children under 12; grandparents are always welcome!
Family Volunteering activities are an opportunity for small children to engage in service in fun ways and for families to spend quality time together, including learning about empathy and mindfulness. The Family Volunteer projects will benefit the many communities served by White Pony Express -- and help engage and inspire the next generation.
Over the past 2 years, Mindful Littles has hosted several projects for White Pony Express, including drives for backpacks, food bags, hygiene kits and more. By partnering on these much needed community programs, it became evident that both organizations are dedicated to delivering service from the heart and treating everyone with dignity.
We are thrilled to launch an official partnership with Mindful Littles and so happy to be working together to continue planting seeds of compassion with young people, while serving our neighbors in need.
Check out the little video below of some of our recent Family Volunteering fun!